JavaRMI Remote Class Loading Exploitation with AV Bypass

Hi folks, For some time now I have been finding the Java RMI remote class loading vulnerability and have been very suceesful with metasploit, however recently I have had Anti-Virus (AV) pick this up. While this is not a standard executable my usual AV bypass techniques were useless so I had to expand my research. For those… Continue reading JavaRMI Remote Class Loading Exploitation with AV Bypass

Installing Zulu

It took me a little while to find all the correct dependencies for Zulu so I thought this may come in handy for others. ZULU Dependencies Manual Install Install Install Install Pip Install Download C:\Python27\python.exe get-pip Other Dependencies pip install winappdbg pip install pyserial pip install pip install git… Continue reading Installing Zulu

IOS App Testing – Part 1

The first in a series of IOS app testing blogs, this blog will focus on some of the more simplistic IOS app vulnerabilities and how to exploit them. I won’t be wasting time talking/walking through the methods exactly and explaining all syntax used etc. This first blog is just to show how easy it can be… Continue reading IOS App Testing – Part 1

Using Kerberos Authentication without using a PC that is part of the Domain

Hi All, Recently I was doing some pentesting and needed to connect to a website using Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) with only support for Kerberos allowed. At first I thought I was pretty much in a dead end because almost every post insinuates for Kerberos authentication to work your client machine needs to be added… Continue reading Using Kerberos Authentication without using a PC that is part of the Domain

Smart LSA Secrets Module

I decided to take two modules and crash them together to add some automation to some tasks that I seem to pick up often. I took the LSA Secrets module and the Domain Group Enum module and combined them to be one module. I then added some addition comparison functions to inform me if any… Continue reading Smart LSA Secrets Module

SNMP Process Sniper – Kill Windows Processes With SNMP Write Access

On a recent test I came across SNMP write access on a Windows box and really wanted to use it to lower the security posture of the server however at the time the only attacks that I could come up with were Denial of Service (change IP, name etc) or Pointless POC’s (writing a contact… Continue reading SNMP Process Sniper – Kill Windows Processes With SNMP Write Access